Hello I have reached out to you 332 different times at contact@drlambda.ai over the past 2 weeks. This is my 3rd attempt to reach you. I also did send another email to you again today Jan 12 around 5:30 pm california time. I have been trying to resent my password and I am not getting any emails with instruction to reset. I added appsumo support in the email I sent to you. Thanks.
A: Hi soblessed, sorry that i missed your message earlier, would you like to use the Intercom chatbot on the website to communicate with me? Thanks so much!
A: Hi, thanks for your question. The product launched here is DrLambda. ChatSlide is another product line we launched that only focues on slides creation. DrLambda is a bigger umbrella.
A: Hi, thanks for your feedback. We will be in contact with AppSumo for another run. At the same time, you will be able to try our lifetime deals at https://dralmbda.ai/pricing. Thanks!
Q: Please Respond to my email
Hello I have reached out to you 332 different times at contact@drlambda.ai over the past 2 weeks. This is my 3rd attempt to reach you. I also did send another email to you again today Jan 12 around 5:30 pm california time. I have been trying to resent my password and I am not getting any emails with instruction to reset. I added appsumo support in the email I sent to you.
Feb 13, 2025A: Hi soblessed, sorry that i missed your message earlier, would you like to use the Intercom chatbot on the website to communicate with me? Thanks so much!
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Q: Are you DrLambda or Chatslide?
Jun 26, 2024A: Hi, thanks for your question. The product launched here is DrLambda. ChatSlide is another product line we launched that only focues on slides creation. DrLambda is a bigger umbrella.
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Q: Should come back for another run.
I have an account already but this flew under the radar and wasn't pushed by appsumo as aggressively as they should.
Jun 26, 2024A: Hi, thanks for your feedback. We will be in contact with AppSumo for another run. At the same time, you will be able to try our lifetime deals at https://dralmbda.ai/pricing. Thanks!
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Yea, I missed it.
Thanks for the question, though on AppSumo the campaign has finished, you can still buy the lifetime deal on our platform, https://drlambda.ai/pricing
anyone know when it is coming back?
Thanks for the question, though on AppSumo the campaign has finished, you can still buy the lifetime deal on our platform, https://drlambda.ai/pricing
Q: Will GPT-4o be integrated?
If so what would be the timeline?
May 17, 2024A: Hi, thanks for your quesiton. We have already integrated GPT-4o, feel free to have a try.
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Verified purchaser
Great! Thank you so much !!
Q: Hello Support Team, Thanks for answering my previous questions.
Can I create slide presentations using URLS from YouTube?
May 15, 2024A: Hi, thanks for the question. Yes, you can paste your Youtube link to the resource section on the summary page.
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