Q: I am planning on using easy jobs to sell vetted shortlisted candidates to my clients who only want to spend ...

their time interviewing the best candidates. Is it possible to email/share a candidate's submission for a job to a third party or superior without bringing them on board as a team member? In that case if I want to just let them see the top 3 candidates for a position, I can do so.
They don't need to see all candidates for all jobs listed as a team member would.

022a30c6ea3a4dfc946fd6a2747931b3Jan 30, 2020
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: We have visual pipeline, so you could keep just some candidate in one pipeline, and your other team member will see that clearly, other than that, the case you are saying we are not exactly built for that.

My advice will be, create a separate company for each client, you handle everything for them, after sorting send that pipeline link to other employee to do the rest, you charge your client for managing and handling their entire Recruitment. Our multi-cue package lets you have more company and team members.

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