Elite Learning - Upskill teams with curated learning

Product details

Q: In the product describtion here on AppSumo the following is listed "Elite Learning is an AI-powered skill ...

management tool enabling companies to map skills, define career paths'. However you can't create your own test and more importantly create custom learning paths. I suggest you either make the text more clear on the deal page and/or enable custom learning paths. Also it is unclear to me what 'Reassign user credits' means (the option in not enabled for Sumolings)? Thanks in advance for clarifying.

Rasmus_Founder_Of_StartBusinessBetter.comPLUSApr 24, 2024
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hello Sumoling,

Thank you for reaching out.

Regarding your inquiry, we'd like to clarify that the features you mentioned—creating tests, custom learning paths, and reassigning user credits—are not included in our LTD deals. However, they are available with our yearly plans.

Hope this information is helpful to you.

Best regards,

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