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We have a corporation with a couple of different divisions.

We have a corporation with a couple of different divisions. This means we would need 2-3 different branded email signatures with logos. With that in mind, what would be the best way to proceed with email badge?

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    Great question, CoffeeGuy!

    EmailBadge is more designed for solopreneurs and side hustlers who are typically one to two person businesses and create multiple signatures for their brand.

    If you're looking to use this for a large, multi-dozen to multi-hundred (or above) business, then we're probably not the right fit. You *could* make it work by creating a few templates, and sending those over to your team to add in their name, etc., but it's likely not ideal.

    If you want to explain your use case more, feel free to email and we can offer you further details about how this could work for you or not.

    | Deals Bought: 65 | Member Since:

    Gotcha. That makes sense.

    I reach out to support.
