
    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Let users choose their subscription preferences and sync data across platforms

    The last thing you want to do is scare away customers by spamming them with too many emails. (“No, don’t go! Just one more offer, I swear!”)

    Unless you’re a mind reader, you can’t discern what each of your subscribers wants to see in their inbox and what’s going to drive them away.

    If only there was a solution that let you enable users to choose their own subscription preferences in just a few clicks.

    Make way for Emailpref.


    too long didn't read
    Create custom subscription preference page and add logos to match your branding
    Sync user preferences across email platforms via integrations and make the most of this info with custom action triggers



    Emailpref is a tool that lets your customers manage their subscriptions and syncs those changes across email marketing platforms.

    No-code subscription preference pages

    Emailpref lets you build subscription preference pages so users can choose the emails they want to receive—all without any coding.

    • Customize every aspect of your pages and add your logo to reflect your branding
    • Instantly sync your subscription lists and manage them with tags

    Create preference pages

    Build multiple subscription preference pages that align with your branding.

    Dynamic list visibility

    You’ll be able to control which subscription lists appear on your preference page based on each user’s membership type.

    • Build lists based on subscription type and payment status to tailor the experience for each audience segment
    • Guide unsubscribed visitors to alternative messaging options, turning exits into new opportunities

    Email lists

    Show or hide lists on your preference page based on customer tags.

    Sync across email platforms

    No more manual updates or spam complaints! Emailpref makes it easy to keep tabs on all your user preferences.

    • Get support for third-party integrations with popular email platforms like ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, SendGrid, Brevo, and Campaign Monitor
    • Automate real-time synchronization so customer preferences are always reflected in your email tools


    Automatically sync customer preferences across popular email platforms.

    Set up custom action triggers

    Want to take your list management to the next level? You can create custom action triggers to automate syncing between your integrations and Emailpref.

    • Create sync actions so changes made in one email service provider sync across the board
    • Trigger specific actions like “Tag a contact” and “Add a contact”

    Action triggers

    Create action triggers that automatically update customer preferences across email platforms.

    Emailpref lets your list update their subscriptions using no-code preference pages, and it automatically syncs those changes across email platforms.

    Send emails people actually want to see.

    Get lifetime access to Emailpref today!

    From the founders

    A message from Emailpref

    Hi there!

    Co-Founder @Emailpref here! We're a no-code seamless tool to create preference pages and sync your customer preferences across all integrated services! We go above and beyond to ensure these preferences are synced!

    Why was this created? 

    Back then, while working on a different project, our notifications got too noisy, and users started bashing that unsubscribe link. We lost them from all lists completely. Funny enough, many came back through customer service, saying they just wanted to stop that specific noisy email. Spoiler alert: we fixed that noisy email. Learning from our mistakes, we ended up creating the best preference page builder tool out there.

    How We Solve These Problems

    Pop Quiz: Are you committing these marketing sins? 

    No Unsubscribe Link:

    There’s a special place in email hell for you.

    Google & Yahoo will block your emails anyway, there is your punishment!

    No Preference Page:

    A preference page reduces overall unsubscribes.

    Customers often subscribe to other lists when given options.

    Complex Preference Page:

    Simplify it! Create multiple pages or show/hide lists based on customer tags (e.g., paying vs. free users).

    Boring Preference Page:

    Embrace the "Golden Goodbye." Make leaving so professional and heartfelt that customers reconsider.

    Key Features

    Shoot and Forget

    With Google & Yahoo's new rules and GDPR, syncing customer preferences the right way is crucial. Our system instantly updates and syncs all customer data across integrated systems, we even go and double tap with a nightly sync to ensure everything is up-to-date. Even if a service goes down, we will keep retrying until all preferences are updated.

    No Need for Technical Knowledge

    We handle all integrations and ensure everything is synced for you.

    Migrating to a Different ESP?

    During IP warming, send emails from both ESPs without hassle. You may even reconsider and just stay with the two. You could even have these syncs happen without a preference page, but we heartily recommend you use one

    Missing an Integration?

    Let us know if your service isn’t supported—we’ll add it to our roadmap!

    Read more

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