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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Sep 2022Deals bought: 1Posted: Sep 15, 2022

A must-have for freelancers and consultants!

I've never come across a platform that does what excelway does. This app is a real game changer in the brainstorming / collaborative meeting space, and I believe it has the power to overthrow the most commonly used apps such as mentimeter or miro.
First, the features. It's like excelway read my mind or went through the struggles I'm going through daily when running virtual brainstorming sessions. When you have so much content on sticky notes, at some point, you need to make sense of it all and find ways to classify them. In other tools, this would entail dragging and dropping each one from one section you created to another, ordering them according to votes, and creating a sticky note color legend (often too late in the process!) that you struggle to stick to. With excelway I can do all of this and more with the click of a button. Not only does it give me more confidence when facilitating for clients, but it also makes me save a lot of time and energy for what matters: leading a group to a productive discussion.
Then, the UX and UI. I love how refreshing and clean the interface is. In particular, the experience for participants and first-time users is so smooth that it makes them forget they are using a new tool. Yet, under this minimalistic and straightforward design, many sophisticated features are hidden, making the onboarding process exciting. I'm discovering a new feature every day, even if I now use it daily :).
Congrats to the team for such a masterpiece!

Founder Team


Oct 5, 2022

i there!

Thanks so much for the kind review. It's great to hear you find so much value in...
