ExpertSlides - The #1 PowerPoint Template Add-In

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Posted: Nov 10, 2023

I Just Got In On Time

I used to use PowerPoint occasionally for my slide presentations and flier design (back in the day when audiences knew it was a PowerPoint presentation just by the icons used, font type and default layout) but eventually turning to online design sources.

After being alerted to Expert Slides ‘Ending Soon’ with their offer on AppSumo, I decided to take a fresh look at add-ins for PowerPoint.

I’d almost forgotten how useful PowerPoint could be and are now discovering that it’s exceptionally useful after adding Expert Slides.

Since purchasing I have taken all of my recent presentations and given them a well-needed revamp which has proved very effective in my marketing.

It’s easy to remain static in your marketing because ‘that’s the way we have always done it’ but, making the change to using Expert Slides has taken me out of the comfort zone and where I’m now getting out there and looking professional again.

Comments from existing clients show that I’ve done the right thing as now my presentations and explainer videos are clearer, look more professional and get my customers engaging with me more often. I can’t ask for more than that 😊

I’d recommend anyone sat on the fence to give this a try and where, I know you’ll stick with it as it’s so easy to use and where you can get your marketing materials out to the masses much faster and more efficiently than ever before. I did need to get out of the rut of ‘doing what I’d always done’ but, once I’d started using Expert Slides, I find myself using it most of the time.

I just got in on time with this one, I say, you should, too 😊

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Amazing! Glad to hear that:) Enjoy.
