Q: Greetings.
I see everything is in English, how can we translate it?
May 15, 2024A: Hey there,
For now, you can use the platform in English only. The multi-lingual feature is currently in development. It will be available soon.
You can join our discord community for quick responses to your queries as well as updates about our upcoming features.
Join the discord community from here- https://discord.gg/7rKpvXMs7u
Hey there,
We are excited to announce that we have launched the ExpoSim App for Hybrid Events.
ExpoSim's hybrid solution seamlessly integrates physical and virtual venues to provide a comprehensive and unparalleled event experience.
We invite you to experience the ExpoSim App and unlock the full potential of your virtual and hybrid events.
Check out the app here:
Android- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.exposim.event
iOS- https://apps.apple.com/in/app/exposim/id1663178422