Q: How does this tool benefit an online store that sells products directly to customers?

An example is a woman's shoe store.

Compared to traditional graphic design methods:

a. Will the cost of online ads decrease?
b. Will sales from product pages increase?
c. Will the brand get more views on social media?

117875586744409396156Feb 4, 2022
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey 117875586744409396156,

Great questions! If we look at advertising, building efficient web designs or even optimizing retail formulas, people often focus on generic principles or traditional ways of marketing, but over the last year or so we've seen an uprise in Attention Marketing, in which we step away from intrusive marketing techniques and move to more subtle ones, where we focus on long term. Some interesting articles on this:

Now to get to your questions:
A. While it won't directly lower the cost of online ads (although, if you optimize before pushing ads live you might remove any low performing ones before a campaign goes live, so no spend wasted), focusing attention on the elements that are crucial for your campaign will improve it's results. Interesting piece on this: https://doubleverify.com/how-marketers-are-using-attention-measurement-to-drive-performance/
B. By guiding attention to the right elements you will increase ctr, which in turn should lead to more sales. Our platform helps you optimize a product page by showing you what grabs attention. Ensuring attention goes to its USP's and/or the buy button will definitely boost sales.
C. This depends on what you mean by brand. Our platform helps you stand out, and yes this should deliver more views for your brands on social. If your post/ad stands out in a timeline because it draws most attention, this definitely helps your brand awareness.

A bit of a lengthy one, but I'd rather be thorough than too short :)


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