Q: Hi , Can you clarify what it is that gives your email higher delivery/open rates than other email providers ...

like say sendinblue etc, Also is the ad monetisation included in the deals.
It seems you have contracts with the advertisers, are there a substantial amount of these of these from the UK and can you clarify the industries they operate in to see if they would be suitable for emails in a specific industry. Or are advertisers mainly USA or World Wide brands?


989254f9b0c74dab9ce879245d3ab3c6PLUSOct 12, 2022
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi,
You can get a high-level look at some, but not all, of the practices, we use to protect our clients' deliverability here: https://www.feedblitz.com/pulling-back-the-curtain-on-email-deliverability.

Yes, monetization is included in the deal.

Lists with audiences primarily in the US and UK perform the best. Those with significant audiences elsewhere in the world tend not to perform as well.

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