Q: I see in the answer that multiple teams/brands is coming up in the next few months, please confirm that it will be included in the deal.
Do you have integrations with payment processors like stripe and email senders like sendfox, to be able to automatically send an email a certain time after purchase?

May 14, 2024A: Thanks for your interest in Feedo!
Yeap, the multiple teams/brands feature is coming up in the next few months. It will make possible to add up to 10 brands and up to 30 team members. However I'd like to ask you, how do you see that feature? May be we can add some more cool options to it.
Also we do not plan to add payment processors for the upcoming release. Actually, you are the first one who ever ask ask about it. How do you plan to use it? Could you tell me more about needed feature?
Thanks for confirming.
Integration with payment sources and email senders is important to be able to set timing after payment that customer receives the review request.
Will it be possible to add restrictions to users by brand?
Please consider making available unlimited brands for your early adopters, maybe by adding another code.
Thanks for confirming.
Integration with payment sources and email senders is important to be able to set timing after payment that customer receives the review request.
Will it be possible to add restrictions to users by brand?
Please consider making available unlimited brands for your early adopters, maybe by adding another code.
I guess we'll be able to add payment system to Feedo with the future updates. I need some time to think how to integrate it to Feedo to make it as good as it can be.
As for the restrictions to users by brand - yeap, it's on the way.
As for unlimited quantity of brands that can be added, there was a problem we ran into recently. Some of our users spam the system with it, so we had to limit the feature. So the limits will stay after the update, however we will be able to work it out and open unlimited brand for the big and trusted partners.