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Member since: Jun 2021Deals bought: 167
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Oct 6, 2023

Will be an awesome product

So I picked up the highest tier knowing it will become a good investment. Hence, I've knocked off 1 star for now - waiting on their roadmap to come to fruition.

These guys are Y-Comb grads for a reasons. If you read their docs you'll know why. They are deeply focused on security and enterprise requirements, which means you can count on it being top notch.

The product is not quite there yet, but is still decent as is. But this is only the beginning and there's so much on the roadmap. As sumo-lings we often have an opportunity at this early stage to push forward ideas, which ultimately can shape the product.

In closing, they're well funded and I'm looking forward to reaping the rewards of this small investment.

Don't stop building team!!
