Q: Hey.

Why even call it all in one tool when you don't have Designer Proposals and Contracts as part of the tool. These are one of the most basic modules to run a business! Without Proposals, difficult to convert a client. Without Contracts, how can their be an agreement of the business and scope of work?
And they aren't in your road map either!

Besides I see HR, HR, HR throughout the feature list, but the only thing I see HR related is to recruit new team. But what about the HR module once the hiring is done? Does it have HR tool like managing employee salaries, salary slips, manage leaves? How about time tracking of work - clock in clout out feature?

ETA on White label and if all tiers will get the benefit?

As I can see in other questions, everyone is getting confused between admin roles and candidates terminology. Might as well call users (instead of admin roles) and candidates for easier understanding. Tier 1 - only one user. Tier 2 - only 3 users.
For Tier 2 and above, if 3 admin roles exist, does that mean all 3 roles have permission to remove the other users?
You see the problem here?
Have one super admin role (for the company founder) and the founders employees as users (instead calling them admin as well).
If 3 admin roles exists, then the employees have power to remove the founder from the organization on Firmbee!
Also, what if the founder doesn't want certain modules to appear on employee 1, but wants certain module to appear on employee 2's dashboard. Is that possible?

What about client portal?

I thought Satiurn had poor plan details, after going through Firmbee 's plan details, Satiurn looks much better deal!

supraketApr 14, 2022
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi, thank you for your time on writing this feedback.

When it comes to client proposals and contracts - can you tell us more about your expectations? For now you are able to upload your own files (proposals, contracts) and keep them inside the system in the Documents module, under certain projects, inside tasks or attach them to certain clients. You also have an Offers module where you can create, store and send client offers.

Clock-in clock-off is a part of Firmbee - users can track their time automatically or fill in the working hours manually.

HR features: you can recruit a team, manage their salaries, roles, change successful candidates into coworkers and cooperate with them inside the system. You can set employee salaries, and settle accounts based on their working hours and custom rates.
White labelling as an option for full partner branding won't be available for all tiers - there will be an enterprise tier for that.

There will also be an option to operate on your own domain and client logo - but in an extra paid package.

Yes, it got confusing with roles, users and coworkers. We should have used other naming. The first admin user which signs up has the right to set roles for the further invited users and decide if he wants to give them a permission to delete other users. All can be done in the role settings.

Yes, the admin can decide which modules/features can be accessed/visible by different users.

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Posted: Apr 15, 2022

Hi Pawlowski.
Thanks for a prompt response.
When I say Proposals, I guess the best example would be - Better Proposals & Agiled. A quick google shall be sufficient to set my expectations right. A lot of other tools provide this module. Some tools call estimates as proposals, which may not be right to say. Because proposals have much more information other than just the pricing. The ability to provide information about company background, scope of work with the help of text, photos & videos, etc. A proposal that will build confidence in the prospective lead and to convert into a client.
Contracts. Well, every business need to have contracts to come an agreement into the scope of work. A contract that can be easily signed online by both the parties involved in the business. A contract that you signed with Appsumo before launching your campaign here, I'm assuming? Or did you run a campaign on Appsumo without signing any contracts?
Uploading the documents is fine, but they must have created in some other tool, right? That defeats your purpose of being an all-in-one tool, correct? I mean, they'll definitely be required to use something else to create those docs. Might as well get an alternate to Firmbee, that offers all these solutions built in.

Good to know other HR features are included, because none of it is mentioned in any of your marketing layouts. All it talks about HR is recruiting.

Ouch, if Whitelable is not part of your lower tiers plan, then I'm definitely giving this tool a pass.

Not looking to incorporate clients logo. My company logo on client portals for them to access all the files and documentation relating to the said client.

Good to see that you've understood the nomenclature you adopted wasn't a right one. Hope you'd re-work on it.

All the best with the tool. But as I said, it's a pass for me for not having white-label solutions, as most of your competitors are. And that they have an option to of Proposal & Contracts already.
