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Member since: Oct 2021Deals bought: 23
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Posted: Aug 6, 2023

Deceptive, and no customer support

I've been trying for literally 8 months to get answers to some basic tech problems and bugs and issues, which I never get help with. After I think 90 full days I got a reply from the co founder saying 'please explain what the problem is', which I've done now 12 times, in detail. Then he proceeded to ignore me again for 4more months.

Here are my issues that are as yet unresolved.

1: Autopick media does not work. I’ve tried in various browsers, at least 20 times, it simply doesn’t do it. It maybe auto picks clips for about 2-3 scenes, but then gives up and does not do the rest of the video and I have to very slowly manually go through line by line and autopsic myself

2: When doing blog to video, even if I select ‘entire post’ it never actually does the entire post, just a summary

3: When generating using ‘idea to video’, I select a duration of 10 minutes and it NEVER creates a video that long, the longest it’s done is about 1.5 minutes even with a detailed prompt

4: On idea to video mode, it doesn’t Autopick any media.

5: How can I create a video from a text script I already have? I want to just paste it in and have it auto generate the video and split it into the scenes and auto pick the media? It does split the copied text into sections, but it doesn’t autopick the media for any of the sections.

6: If I summarise a long blog post to 5 minutes, it just summarises it to 2 minutes or less.
What do I have to do to get it to actually make a video longer than 5 minutes?

7: When autopicking, I have to do it myself manually as the autopick doesn’t work, but it only lets me do it for one clip at a time and it takes a very long time to pick. It then often says ‘auto picked successfully’ but nothing changes, and even if I refresh the page, it has not autopicked anything and I have to try again.
