Q: Hi, Flokzup looks very interesting, please help me with some questions: 1.

Is it possible to work with external freelancers without consuming Flokzu's user quota, allowing these freelancers to update the status of their tasks as well as send and receive files if necessary?

2.Is it possible to have/create a kind of customer portal, again without consuming Flokzu's user quota? Can customers only have access to your data without seeing other customers' data?

3.Is it possible to have a kanban-style data visualization interface? The idea is to use this view format to manage prospects in a funnel, support tickets, project tasks, etc.

4.Does this deal include CNAME / custom domain for forms and emails? Customers may not feel safe reporting data on unknown domains, or ignoring emails from unknown sources.

Thank you!

marcelo59PLUSMar 23, 2022
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi Marcelo !!

1) If you don't need freelancers to log in to Flokzu, you can set up a process with external participant interactions and public forms. It will allow you to interchange certain information and files. If you need further collaboration, they would need a user (what it's okay, to pay our bills :)
Please check External Participants: https://docs.flokzu.com/en/article/interacting-with-external-participants-1c7dbya/
and Public Forms: https://docs.flokzu.com/en/article/public-form-allowing-external-participants-to-initiate-processes-71okqi/

2) You can create your website and then embed a public form. Or you can get the information in your own form and then start a process in Flokzu using the Open API ( https://flokzu.docs.apiary.io/# )

If your users are logged into Flokzu, you have several visibility settings to define what they can see or not: https://docs.flokzu.com/en/article/readers-and-process-instance-visibility-at-the-processtask-level-1mvqgcg/

3) No, we don't offer a kanban style. But, the UI is very friendly, and the Inbox lets you filter the cards by stage, other criteria, change the order, etc. So, in sum, you can have similar behavior. And in fact, several Flokzu customers have a sales process simulating a funnel.

4) You can set up your SMTP server to send emails, so your customers will receive emails from you. CNAME is not included, but if you create your own forms (question 2), you can use your domains.

Enjoy automating!

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