Q: Matt: As more and more platforms are adding the ability to post videos, I would be very interested in having ...
Foapers create videos for my brand. Is there anyway to add videos to the deal for those choosing to do a 3 or 4 stack? The Foapers would already have our products in their hands and would just need to shoot a video - nothing overly professional, more like a short product demo/unboxing type. Videos would be a kick-ass addition for anyone in ecommerce, and would make this a must-have deal!! I look forward to your reply!!
May 15, 2024A: Hello There!
Thanks for the feedback.
You are right - we are seeing a huge demand for UGC video at the moment, and brands driving huge ROI with video.
Yet as you know - the AppSumo deal is an LTD, which is simply impossible to be structured around video content. Video creation takes a lot more time and effort from the creators in comparison to photos, hence why they expect to be rewarded, and each video comes with a price.
To sum up, we are not able to structure a deal for video at the moment, but feel free to reach out to us directly (matt@foap.com) and maybe we can work something out when it comes to your use case and video missions.
Thanks again for the feedback!