Fox Signals

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Member since: May 2021Deals bought: 24
2 stars
2 stars
Edited Sep 17, 2024

Accurate Signals, But Demands Full-Time Dedication

As an individual in the Pacific Standard Time zone, I've found this app challenging to use effectively. The majority of trading signals occur during my sleeping hours, which presents a significant obstacle.

The app's reliance on manual trade execution is a major drawback. Without specifying trailing take-profit and stop-loss percentages, users are left on their own to guess the optimum percentages. This guesswork can lead to diminished profits, especially for those lacking experience in setting up these crucial parameters.

The time-sensitive nature of the signals demands quick action, which may not be feasible for many users with jobs or other commitments. This app seems better suited for full-time traders who can afford to be constantly vigilant, potentially at the expense of their sleep and personal life.

The accuracy of the signals is commendable, which is why I'm giving this app 3 out of 5 stars. However, the lack of automation and user-friendly features significantly hampers its practicality for the average trader.

Currently, my experience has resulted in a break-even situation – neither profit nor loss. While this is better than losing money, it falls short of the app's potential.

It's unclear what the founder's long-term vision is for this app. Adding features like automated trading, customizable alert settings, and time zone optimization would greatly enhance its usability and appeal to a broader audience.

In summary, while the app shows promise with its accurate signals, it needs substantial improvements in automation and user experience to be truly valuable for traders across different time zones and lifestyles.

In short, based on the reply received, this app is primarily targeted at full-time traders and is time-zone restricted, which unfortunately limits its potential audience—a very disappointing realization. Decreasing my rating to 2 tacos.

Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

Hi again,

We want to clarify that Fox Signals has never been promoted as an automated tool or one that targets a specific time zone or only full-time traders. It's important to set the right expectations, and we strive to be transparent about what our service offers.

Regarding your rating, while we value all feedback, it seems it may not fully reflect the true value Fox Signals provides to many of our users. If you feel that our service isn’t a good fit for your needs, we’re more than happy to offer you a refund. It’s always best to invest in tools that align with your requirements, but we kindly ask that you don’t devalue a service simply because it wasn’t suited to your specific circumstances.

You’re absolutely entitled to rate our service as you see fit. However, if you’re not planning to use it, we’d encourage you to consider requesting a refund rather than holding onto something that may not serve you.
