Fox Signals

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Member since: Mar 2023Deals bought: 72
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1 stars
Posted: Sep 12, 2024

I could not understand this app

no resources available + limited to seeing signals given, not option to choose my own or create my own lists.

Founder Team


Sep 12, 2024

Hi there,

Thanks for sharing your feedback. Fox Signals is designed to provide high-quality insights and it’s not intended to allow users to create their own lists or signals—that’s not a feature we offer. Our focus is on delivering pre-vetted insights for effective trading, which is where we bring the most value, It's like walking up to a food truck that only sells tacos and getting upset because they don't serve sushi.

If this doesn’t meet your needs, feel free to reach out to us, and we'd be happy to process a refund if you’re not satisfied with our services. We're always here to help if you need more information.

The Fox Signals Team
