Q: Hello Raj Baruah.

I find this product very interesting, and I have no problems with the limits it has, because I understand what the business plan is if the project is to be increasingly scalable.

I also feel comfortable knowing that as my business grows I will be able to purchase more features.

However, I have a couple of doubts that prevent me from making the purchase decision right now.

1- I don't quite understand the issue of deal rooms, I know that the number of contacts and AI credits have a limit, but for example if I have created a personalized room for a client, can I after using it delete that room and create a new one? new?

I have seen that they can be edited, but my question is if they can be deleted to create new rooms when I no longer need them.
Or rooms related to a contact can no longer be used by anyone else?

Please explain this to me in detail as it is the most important point for me right now.

2- If I buy a level on appsumo and then I want to go to a higher level, will I be able to do it? (while they are in appsumo of course)

3- Lastly, I understand that Dealintent can only be viewed in English, so I would like to know if I could still create or edit the content of the rooms that I send to my clients in another language (in Spanish) and how this would affect the operation of the app.

And also know if they plan to add the Spanish language.

Thank you very much and congratulations for bringing us this excellent product :)

psicoquinesistotalPLUSOct 24, 2023
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