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Verified purchaser

Member since: Jul 2018Deals bought: 91
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Feb 16, 2024

I want to invest time in it, but...

🌟 Overview
Purchased 10 codes due to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
Realization that not all features were necessary
Many features are underdeveloped

🤔 Usability Experience
UX Confusion: The user interface is not intuitive
AI Capabilities: The AI, a key feature, performs poorly especially in language detection without explicit instruction
Alternative Tools: Preferable use of other AI software that integrates more seamlessly into the browser

⚙️ Functionality
Feature Overload: The software tries to do too much, leading to a lack of focus
Speed & Performance: It operates slower compared to alternatives, which impacts frequent usage

🚀 Potential for Improvement
Acknowledgment that the software's AI has room for growth and enhancement
Current AI features are not operational, affecting today's review

đź’ˇ Design and Client Interaction
Capability to design an attractive and smart portal
Despite this, clients tend to revert to traditional communication methods like emails or calls

đź“Ś Expectation vs. Reality
Misunderstanding regarding the use of 10 codes for multiple organizations
The competition offers better UX/UI and speed, influencing user preference

đź“Š Final Thoughts
The software is considered to be solid in its foundation
Success with the portal is likely for some users, but it falls short for the my needs

You need to take some time off to fully understand what this software can do and how to use it. I know that's the case with everything, but for some reason, the UX is making me confused. I bought 10 codes to unlock everything because of FOMO, but when you really sit down and figure out what you need to do with it, you realize you don't need all of that, and a lot of these features are not yet well-developed.

The AI was a selling point; I thought I would use it all the time, but it's been working poorly and is not there yet for detecting other languages unless you tell it, which adds extra clicks and hassle. I also find that I just use another AI software that integrates easily into the browser and does it quickly. BUT, I also know this is an area that can and will be improved. Writing today about this review, my AI is not even working.

I found out that I can make the portal so sexy, inviting, and smart, but in the end, the client will not use it. Maybe they use it once and then revert to emails or phone calls. But hey, that's just my area (web agency).

I feel like maybe it's trying to do too much at once? I know it's trying to clone a specific company, but if you have to do that, do it well, not halfway. And because I went back to that other company, not because I have invested time in it... no, but it comes down to the UX/UI and speed. Like, Fuse is slow compared to that, and that adds up if you want to use it a lot.

Then I thought (and that's my bad) that with 10 codes, I could have more than one organization with the same features, but sadly not.

Overall, it's probably a really solid software, and some will probably get a lot of success with the portal; sadly, just not here.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Could you please contact us
we'd like to get your feedback on UX. That's one of our primary focus of improvements.
