Fynzo Survey

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Member since: Nov 2017Deals bought: 17
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Feb 4, 2023

Some bugs that need fixing

I have bought the software and there are a couple of bugs that at this stage should be already corrected:

- Arrows in the bottom to be hidden
- Header with logo
- Some question types are not working properly

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you for bringing the bugs to our attention.

- The arrows are needed for navigation in touchscreen devices. You can hide them using our custom CSS feature.
- We are working on the "Header with Logo" feature and are expecting it to go live in a week.
- Please let us know which question types are not working by mailing to support@fynzo.com and we will fix them.
- The issue "submit button allows the submission when there are "required" questions OR send the user to a 404 page..." is a bug in the list view and we are working on fixing it.
- The ability change the question number is a feature we will be working on on th future.

If you have any other queries please mail us at support@fynzo.com
