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Member since: Mar 2020Deals bought: 412
5 stars
5 stars
Edited Nov 6, 2024

You see, I shop here often... Genius.AI is my best buy, for 2024!

I completely confirm everything I wrote last time (it's below),
BUT you need to know this:
Genius.AI produces incredible texts... really the best I know (and I pay for ChatGPT and use Claude as well).
If you need advertising texts, scripts for sales video letters, getting Leads, writing Closes, Hooks... Genius.AI will generate things you can't even imagine...
For example, different posts, entire Sales Pages, Pre-Sales, Upsells, Long Form Text Sales Letters, Squeeze Pages... Different variations at the click of a button.
And it creates cool images... And 3 AIs to write texts for different fields...

I look like Genius.AI paid mešŸ˜.
Yes - I know it can look like that - but only because I'm maximally satisfied (I have Tier 2).
Believe me, since I have Genius.AI, I use it every single day - several times.

My previous post:
I tried Tier 1 for a few days...
I'm reading different things here... My opinion is that what Genius AI provides now on Appsumo is a really great value, and I don't know of anything that compares to it, or anything that can do similar "stuff" at even half the rate. I bought a Tier 2 today. I am very satisfied. Thank you Appsumo, thank you PeteršŸ‘

Founder Team


Nov 8, 2024

