Q: Hey Guido_Getscope, I purchased Tier 1, however I am having a challenging time trying to do what I need GetScope to do.

I have a 'Project' and within that project I have multiple sub-projects and under each sub-project I have sets of tasks that need to be done and each of those tasks need to be given to multple team members.
I see no option where I can set up the main project as I have descibed, nor do I see a place where files can be uploaded for all team members can view collectively and then upload a new version for review and I am not seeing any palce where team members can add comments on a task level.

Am I missing something or is this scenario not achiveable?

TeamVFMPLUSOct 16, 2023
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi Rusty

Getscope's hierarchy works as follows. We have at a highest level a workspace. A workspace can contain 1 or more projects with 1 or more team members. Within a project you cannot create a subproject.

What you can do is work with Epics within a kanban or scrum project. And see each epic as a subproject and create tasks for that subproject.

Using the filter you can then filter specifically on epic in the board and/or backlog. In your teams overview you can use the cogwheel to determine exactly who is allowed to see which epics.

You can post comments on task level and task level if you click on them in the right modal.

There is no general upload functionality for files but you can do this at userstory - task level. All files will then be shown under "files".

If you want more info please schedule a meeting with me.


Best Guido

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