GoZen Testimonials

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Q: how do i incentivise customer once they leave a review

I would like to send gift or coupon code once the customer leaves a testimonials. i want to incentivise only who give video reviews not text. can i do that in your product, I see you have a spin wheel but don't see any where how to setup one in your docs can you help me with that.

i'm willing to make a purchase if your product can do this...

teforam313Nov 25, 2024
Founder Team


Nov 26, 2024

A: Hi, Yes, you can incentivize customers who leave a testimonial by sending them a gift or coupon code.
To set this up, go to form> reward page> enable rewards> segments
where you can configure rewards.

For reference, please refer to this documentation: https://docs.gozen.io/testimonials/getting-started/form#heres-a-step-by-step-order-for-setting-up-the-reward-page

Let us know if you have more questions.

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