Q: Does this also include anti-virus and malware?
If not, how what kind of attacks to you prevent??
May 15, 2024A: Hi Dew,
Thank you for the question.
Our product does not include a traditional anti-virus or anti-malware software.
The phrase 'Prevention is better than cure', often attributed by the Dutch philosopher Erasmus, is something that is important to keep in mind; words that can be found within the features of our product. Guardey includes an ongoing training that will increase the awareness within your team about the cyber risks in today's (and future) online environments. The training is provided in the form of gamification.
On top of that, the secured VPN connections via our application are also able to provide realtime insights and report cyber risk alerts if any potential online threats are detected. This technology can be considered both preventive and repressive. For example, if your device has been infected by malware or spyware that uses a botnet, and tries to establish a connection to other malicious IP-addresses, this information will be reported as a cyber risk. Further escalation of this malware can then be prevented if action is taken.
If you have any other questions, feel free to let us know!
Kind regards,