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Member since: Oct 2020Deals bought: 90
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jun 9, 2022

Need to brush up on details

This is one of the few services that have a Japanese interface among many LMS. It is a very high point to service for Japan, which is known as the least English-speaking nation in the world. Many of the expressions are in natural Japanese.

Support is very quick and friendly. This is very helpful.

I have no complaints about the basic functions, but I thought the video transfer limit was too small. I use other services for video storage space, but if it is an external link, I can't view it on my iPhone app. (The part described in HTML is not supported on smartphones.) Therefore, the problem is that we cannot hold 100% of the same courses for smartphone apps.

Most parts can be customized, but the really important parts are still the same. This is very important.
The footer of each page cannot be edited; a request was made over a year ago and will be worked on, but it hasn't happened yet.

The footer portion of the landing page is linked to the email. We definitely do not want to do it this way as it will cause a lot of spam.
I have asked support to leave the email address blank, but "Need help?"
and there was no email address when I clicked on it, which I think is not trustworthy.

Also, the email sent is sent from Gurucan's email.
Currently, I would not want to click on an email from an unknown email address. I would like to see this type of system fixed as soon as possible.

We can only do simple things such as landing pages. I think it will be difficult to increase sales unless you can create more expressive pages.

If you already have your own community or a trust-aged list, I think you can start selling courses on Gurucan and start your business without problems. However, I think it will be tough when it comes to SEO this page to attract traffic and lead to purchases.
