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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Feb 2012Deals bought: 25Posted: Feb 10, 2020

An excellent online booking system with fantastic support

Until now I've been very happy using Acuity Scheduling as my online booking system.

However, as of last month, I've cancelled hat and moved over fully to Harmonizely - is it the first time I have ever come across a calendaring system which actually meets all my needs and outdoes AS! I've tried all the others - BLAB, Calendly, Webba, the lot, and every one of them lacks one or more essential features which make them unusable for me.

Harmonizely meets them all 9with one exception, which I'll come to later, bu that's workable for now).

Their support is excellent. I found an issue with the way in which using custom domains worked when posting links on FaceBook (due to FB messing around with links). Found what was happening, reported it to Harmonizely, and Rafal got back to me himself very quickly to confirm i was a big and to say they were working on it - a couple of days later, the fix was in place!
I was going to ask him about adding DKIM etc to allow emails to come from our own domains, but they've already added that - impressive! Love the roadmap, there's a lo of useful suff coming, and development is very active.

The service itself is easy to use, yet powerful enough for the more advanced user too.

Love the integration with iCalendar (Apple), Zapier, etc, the custom domain is a great added feature, as is the removal of their branding.

The only thing it doesn't (yet) do which I would like is have Stripe support so that meetings can be chargeable. I have a workaround for that for now, and meanwhile Stripe support is firmly on their roadmap, so hat's a great sign too.

All in all I'm very happy with my purchase - the feature set, support, and roadmap are just excellent.
