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Member since: Nov 2019Deals bought: 395
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Posted: Feb 17, 2020

ByeBye Woofy - Your Bark is louder than your Bite

Hi All,
I purchased max codes Dec 1st 2019 and I was hoping for great things from this product.
Predictive Text:
I am not an fan of predictive text, however thought I would give it my best.
Somedays its hopeless understanding what I am writing, It tries to predict all the kinds of words I am trying to avoid and nothing related to the kind of topic I am writing about... In this case comics, animation that sought of thing... Instead it thought I liked words that related mental health and a-like hmmmm
I tried again today and as I wrote it did not predict a single word as I typed... Repeatly deleted and tried again-nope, talk about - mental health and what do you know its working again... hmmmm

Appears too biased towards American content, so I passed on using it and reverted back to others tool (from AppSumo) that discovered content easier to save me time.

When you use the URL function to pull in a piece of content...

I really thought this would do more than grab (4 suggested sentences) and present it as a quote i.e grab words from different sentences and create something new...I must have missed the fine print...
For me it does nothing new...bear in mind I have to study the content of the URL before using it so I would pretty much know what the quotes are before using this feature.

Complete Success - whooppee :-) it creates hashtags, but useless without great text and emojis to go with it... which brings me to...

I need to add them manually with no suggestions at all. I am not sure what people must be writing about (mental health) that makes this feature sound amazing, but useless for me. I get it's value in posts. What is its value in the product itself if it does not help me when creating content.
It seems the product is trying to tell me write in a way "it" likes and then "it" will tell you do it "my" way or i'm not gonna help you. ...hmmmm

I like that its free, who doesn't, but it feels like the low end of the barrel (quality) and the window fixed 30 pics...What if none of them are useful... The product needs away to spin a new batch for a better selection...Alternatively, just take the time to go and search for yourself - i.e by passing Woofy altogether.
I haven't the time to test all the combinations to make things work just to suit this products way of AI thinking...hmmmm

I connected pages when I first purchased 1st Day of December 2019 ... since then created some new pages and now I want to add them to Woofy.
So "Woofy" what are my options...
"Are you sure that you want to delete social account? All related posts and campaigns could be deleted as well." OK I'll risk it... Reconnect and voila new pages are now listed to post to - NOPE. Nothing happens those facebook pages still NOT available.

So no joy ... Some products are just not ready for me to use in production...
