Perfect for my business.
I am using Hey Oliver at my 03 sites, and the overall usability is awesome.
I am using it for my e-commerce and b2b sites. Initially I was bit worried for my concern if the app is still in development or not? But finally, I happy happy to find this awesome chat and lead generation application.
Yes, I got support from the developer. He replied to all my queries. The WooCommerce integration is still in backlog and Mobile application is also yet to be ready. But otherthan this, my overall experience with Hey Oliver is fantastic.
Pro: It is an all in one chat and marketing platform - Live Chat, Promotions, Contact Forms + Lead Generation, at a single and fast loading window. There isn't any performance issues with my sites. All are having A+ score. We can get new visitor notification at upto 02 emails per workspace. So overall, I am loving it and found it better than other available options.
Cons: have to wait for mobile application (but I can get notification emails instantly). WooCommerce still under backlog (hoping to see it live very soon).