Heyzine Flipbooks

Product details

Thanks for the deal on AS and for adding the custom subdomain.

Thanks for the deal on AS and for adding the custom subdomain. I just wanted to clarify. Do you offer a straight Cname option so I can just use my custom domain without needing to redirect a subdomain? Ex. https://www.BigAndRichmag.com or When you say that I can have the link redirect to anywhere are you referring to the following: https://myname.aflip.in ---redirects>> to https://my-online-magazine.com or can I https://myname.aflip.in/GQ-magaize ---redirects>> to https://GQmag.com https://myname.aflip.in/VanityFair-magaize ---redirects>> to https://VanityFair.com https://myname.aflip.in/Good-Home ---redirects>> to https://GoodHome.com

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    We don't offer CNAME DNS on lifetime deals. This is only possible on subscription plans.

    The link redirection is the first one you mentioned:
    https://myname.aflip.in --> redirects to https://my-online-magazine.com

    And each flipbook opens on the path you choose:
    https://myname.aflip.in/GC-magazine --> opens the flipbook
    https://myname.aflip.in/VanityFair-magaize --> opens the flipbook

    The root domain opens a generic error page: