Q: What is the workflow for getting clients onto the platform?

How do you go about giving them access and allowing them to log into their accounts?

117592694871470106842Sep 30, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 30, 2024

A: Hey there, social media maestro!

Great question! We've got you covered with our super-slick Hopper HQ teams feature. It's easier than falling off a log to get your crew on board and crushing it together.
Here's the lowdown:

1. Fire up your Hopper HQ account
2. Click on the profile menu
3. Hit that "Invite Teammates" button
4. Choose the access level that fits each invitee (because not everyone needs the keys to the kingdom, right?)

Send those invites flying!

Your clients and team members will get a nifty email. They'll create their own login credentials and boom - they're in!

Tier 2 license: You get to bring 3 team members to the party
Tier 3 license: Living large with 15 team members!

Ready to turn your social media game into a team sport? Let's do this!

Hopper HQ Lead Developer

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 30, 2024

Thanks, but can the clients then log into their accounts to add them or how does that work?

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 30, 2024

When I attempt to change permissions for an invited team member, it reverts back to admin access. I cannot make them an admin and make it so they have no access to the social channels already set up.

Edited: Sep 30, 2024

Oh thanks for flagging this quirky behavior! 🕵️‍♂️
Here’s the lowdown on what was happening:

How permissions were being display were incorrect before a double refresh, but rest assured, the actual permissions were working correctly!
When someone’s a team admin, they automatically get access to all social accounts.

It's all fixed and working smoothly now!