Q: Will this work for me as an agency? How many clients' social sets can you support?

Two critical questions before I decide to invest:
1. How many client accounts can I support on Tier 3? For each client, I'll need the ability to post on their LinkedIn profile and YouTube channel, plus possibly X. Will I be able to authenticate into multiple LinkedIn personal profiles?
2. Currently, I'm unable to upload even a short video to LinkedIn via Taplio because they have some ridiculously low data limit for video uploads. I believe the bottleneck is in Taplio, not LinkedIn. Most of the videos I'm uploading to LinkedIn are under 1 GIG, and even under 400MBs. Will Hopper be able to schedule a video upload to a LinkedIn profile and auto-plug a comment 10 minutes later?

111772564617333380163Sep 30, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 30, 2024

A: Hey there,

Thanks for your questions and for checking out Hopper HQ! 🎉 We’ve got plenty of agencies using Hopper HQ to make social media management a breeze - easy peasy!

With Tier 3, you'll be able to manage 10 profiles per social network (Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube), so you're all set to support multiple clients social sets.

And yes, you can absolutely authenticate multiple LinkedIn personal profiles, as long as you have access to them. 🙌

For LinkedIn video uploads, here are the key guidelines:
- Min. Duration: 3 seconds
- Max. Duration: 30 minutes (capped at 5GB file size)

You can find all the video specs you’ll need right here: https://help.hopperhq.com/en/articles/6535168-video-upload-guidelines

As for LinkedIn comment scheduling, we don’t support that just yet (Instagram’s the only one getting the first comment love for now in Hopper HQ 💬). I’m looking into whether it’s available via LinkedIn’s API, and if so, we’ll pop it onto our Considering column on the public roadmap! https://trello.com/b/mJT0x9MW/hopper-hq-public-roadmap

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with, and thanks again for your interest! 😊

Hopper HQ Customer Success 🌟

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