How To Build A 7 Figure Newsletter Questions

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Showing 1 - 20 of 31 questions

Q: Hey there, just saw this, any chance you guys come back to appsumo?

danirogercPLUSMar 14, 2022
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Q: Does this course apply for blog owner (e.

g. pet blog) who doesn't show want to show face? Or perhaps this is best for social influencer?

tonyhanscoAug 29, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey there - no need to show your face to write the newsletter but definitely using my strategies you need to use social media to grow it if you don't want to go the paid ads way. So that would require you pushing across other people's channels for social media etc.


Q: Is this appropriate for a total beginner with no list and a limited budget?

7d9ef46776a54d989520d97ea1fa07c9PLUSAug 27, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: I don't think you need a budget to do this, just time and effort. So yes if you are willing to put in the work!!


Q: Hi there I am planning to produce talking head type of videos on regulations and compliance to grow my audience.

I'm hoping to share them on LinkedIn and YouTube.

Would the newsletter training include any reference to using LinkedIn or YouTube or using video as a medium inside a newsletter? Or perhaps a gif in a newsletter that subscribers can click to a webpage to watch the video.

I have about 7,000 followers on LinkedIn, but I want to diversify to email newsletter and YouTube.

I'm worried that I become dependent on LinkedIn and it's risky to put alll the eggs in one basket. It makes me think I should use other platforms such as Instagram or YouTube to spread my risk and not have all the eggs in one basket.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Thank you very much.

5ecb5cfafe7d4280b249229eb434a3fbPLUSAug 27, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey there it hits on LinkedIn, not Youtube because I really haven't mastered that. Could probably be an entire other course. I do hit hard on tik tok, IG and twitter as the mediums to grow. Cool idea btw.


Q: Why do I have to join appsumo plus to buy your course?

It’s already expensive as priced which I don’t mind but do you think it’s worth buying if I have to pay another $100 on top just for Appsumo plus? Will this be back at the regular price of $139?

campaignsAug 27, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey there - it was a limited time deal we did for 2 weeks-ish and now will only be on appsumo plus for 2 days. Just how they run these promotions I think. The course will not be back on here. It'll go on our site for $597 after this.
