A: Sorry I didn't see this! unfortunately, this deal is over, and it wouldn't make sense to come back. We may put branch off services as a separate launch in the future though. but if you're interested in the software, I'd be happy to chat! austin@humanagement.io
Request and purchase request are not included in the Appsumo deal. Upon seeing this message and I did find a bug where some users were not getting fully actived upon signup, however if they logged out and back in then everything is activated. We are working to address this issue asap and will likely have this fixed first thing tomorrow.
Q: How much was it when it was availabe?
Aug 28, 2024A: Sorry that information is no longer available
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Q: Is there any chance that this deal comes back???
I never saw this, cause I would have grabbed it right away!!!
May 15, 2024A: Sorry I didn't see this! unfortunately, this deal is over, and it wouldn't make sense to come back. We may put branch off services as a separate launch in the future though. but if you're interested in the software, I'd be happy to chat! austin@humanagement.io
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Q: Hello!
Can we sign up for a demo?
May 15, 2024A: Yes just book a demo @ calendly.com/humanagement
We also have a free trial and free forever verson located at www.humanagement.io
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Q: What is the Number of codes to purchase for unlimited users?
May 15, 2024A: There are no unlimited user plans, unfortunately. However, you can stack as much as you want to, so you can have an endless amount of users.
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Q: Purchase the code does not let you gain access to the full feature.
Feature such as request and purchase is not available for Appsumo's purchases.
Am I right ?
May 15, 2024A: Thanks for messaging in,
Request and purchase request are not included in the Appsumo deal. Upon seeing this message and I did find a bug where some users were not getting fully actived upon signup, however if they logged out and back in then everything is activated. We are working to address this issue asap and will likely have this fixed first thing tomorrow.
Thank you again! and thanks for...
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