Q: Does the content created pass originality tests like Originality, GPTZero, Turnitin, etc.?

Hi, the product looks very nice. I would like to try it, but could you kindly respond to these questions?
1. Does it support the Spanish language?
2. Does the content created pass originality tests like Originality, GPTZero, Turnitin, etc.?
3. Are you planning to add Discord, Roadmap, Chrome Extension, YouTube Tutorials, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Founder's LinkedIn, etc.?
4.What are past projects, failures, or successes you’ve had in your career? What is your team size? Are you funded or bootstrapped? Where is your customer data stored?
5. It would be nice if you add points 3 and 4 to the main page of this deal on AppSumo since the app looks a little bit scammy without those points, especially if you compare it with other deals on AppSumo. Adding them would help gain more trust.

Thank you so much!

MoneyMakerPLUSSep 6, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

A: Hello MoneyMaker,
thank youfor your advices, Humanizer is an MVP and since we've boostrapped all, actually all our effort aiming to improve the functionality and to add feature more than the look and feel of the app. I answer you questions reporting the number:
1. Yes, it support Spanish language (y después de que me preguntaron si admite los idiomas indonesio e israelí, me alegra decir que sí).
2. Humanizer use the GPTZero integration to detect the AI content generation, so the percentage of detecting content come from GPTZero
3. We're working to release plugins for Outlook and Wordpress at first, later to add social like Discord, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin.
4. We knew each other working together in corporate digital project like consultant, in development and governance, than we produce Lov.Bot a scraper on raw materials, articles and so on, this is a failure by the commercial side, but it's good to define how to work together throught 2 different continents (EU & Asia). Humanizer is a spinoff of an existing company (www.conversa.it) and by ops side Suman (dev) and me (Project management) work directly on it, other activities will be carry out by the company. So the team is 2, but enlargeble if needed. The project is bootstrapped and the data are stored on AWS.
I hope these could help you to be confident that Humanizer is super agile product, straight to the point with no frills.

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