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Member since: Jul 2021Deals bought: 117
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3 stars
Posted: Sep 6, 2024

Maybe not ready for launch

3 Tacos for the benefit of the doubt but so far the site doesn't work. I bought it, I had some very AI text to try it on and 1st thing I get is

"Failed to Detect String content at GptZero:[object Object]"

when trying to scan the text for AI, then I thought I would skip that and go directly to "Humanize Content" and then got an error message that says:

"Error:{"message":"Request failed with status code 500","status":500,"data":{"error":"Internal server error"}}"

So I tried that, it did not work, so I logged out and cleared my cache and logged in and tried again, getting the same error messages.

Logged out and tried again with different AI text and a different browser and I got the same errors.

I am intrigued and interested in this app, so I am going to keep it for awhile but 1) Appsumo should be testing this stuff before it is released and 2) creators should make sure that their software is functional before launching it.

Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

it's fixed and try now.
