Q: Hi Ismail, Just noticed that this amazing deal is ending soon!
I have a few questions from a virtual event perspective:
1. I need something more basic than report PDF - Can we generate PDF certificate from Hybiscus? Can we customise the PDF content via a Drag-and-Drop PDF page builder or any other methods that you can advice - TailwindCSS or other FE libraries?
2. Can I generate PDF certificates from the eligible participants list from Google Sheets - With Name and Courses attended and the event date?
2B. If not, any idea how can we automatically generate and send the PDF to those who attended the virtual event via Zoom, MS Teams or Airmeet?
3. Where do you store the PDF after being generated? In Hybiscus? How many quota is allocated for storing PDFs?
4. After generating the PDF certificate, can I use Hybiscus to email the PDF to the participants automatically?
5. Do you plan to have a Python API as we built our functions on Lambda Python v3.7 functions. When will this be ready?
Thank you.
May 14, 2024A: Hi there,
Thanks for all your questions, they're great questions indeed!
We do not currently have a drag and drop builder, as Hybiscus is meant to be an API intended to be accessed programmatically. Although we do have a Cloud Editor (https://hybiscus.dev/cloud-editor) which make it very easy to prototype PDFs.
With regard to Google Sheets, etc. you can certainly get data from any source you like, and put this into the JSON schema you send to Hybiscus to generate your PDFs. The idea is you access the data from your sources yourself, and Hybiscus just receives this. This could be done in your Lambda functions or in an automation tool like Zapier, etc. As for certificates, unfortunately we do not have a landscape format for generating PDFs, but otherwise you are free to try out the various components to design the certificate you would like. We have sizing options for text, font styles, alignment options, colour themes, so I think you could achieve a lot.
The API endpoints are rate limited which is explained here https://hybiscus.dev/docs/api/rate-limitting, and other than you have your monthly quotas to be monitored. The reports are stored on the server for up to 48 hours, after which they are deleted. More preferable is that you use our Cloud Storage Upload feature, where we deposit them directly into your cloud storage, never storing them on the Hybiscus server (https://hybiscus.dev/docs/reports/cloud-storage). In this way, you could fully automate the process in your lambda function to query Google Sheets, send data to Hybiscus to generate a PDF, which automatically deposits into your cloud storage provider, and you can send that out to your users. We do not, however, have built in emailing options in Hybiscus, you would need to do this yourself.
Lastly, with regard to the Python SDK, it is on our roadmap, but much further down as we have had other requests which we deemed more impactful. It would be fairly simple to construct the JSON schema using a Python dictionary and POST that to Hybiscus using a library such as httpx for Python.
I hope we've answered all your questions well, please do let us know otherwise!