Q: Hello, I don’t believe you can create apps with the iPhones camera.
I’m thinking about building the camera app with the camera and then save it to a portfolio.
I’m wondering if I can create a simple crm with scheduled auto followups and a booking feature that can be emailed from the app. Can a crm and booking be created and linked to the app? Can the features be connected within the app I’m having built? I figure I can build the crm and booking features and give it to the dev with the app prototype I created to save money.
Any insight is appreciated:)
May 15, 2024A: A CRM and a booking can be created and linked. If I understand what you're asking correctly, then we have the ability for two apps to point to the same data "instance" this is used for example in an app I know another customer is working on where they have a customer facing booking app and another app for staff to manage and process bookings made by their customers this means they have two apps that are linked using the same instance (Hypi terminology)