Q: Hi Hypi!

I am sorry, but I am just finding your software to be a lot tougher than it originally looked. I purchased 3 codes, and I am going through, and I am just not getting it! It's not easy! You don't have enough simple videos or walkthroughs for example TACKLE 1 THING ONLY, MAKE IT SHORT 2mins Total then make longer video phases like creating users and discuss there everything about creating and developing users then STOP go no further than MAKE BIGGER PHASES like Building the Interface. That allows anyone to start and have success at one thing and build up! Please LISTEN AND DO THIS TODAY or I may have to request a refund.

38a4c078ce064437ab7f2cb2315e4861PLUSJun 27, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: We're working on videos, the beginning of a series can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjWn59Jil2g&list=PLpDsM8Eagy-UN0ipKPNcepoZgLkQS1tx5

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Posted: Jun 29, 2023
