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Member since: Dec 2017Deals bought: 1075
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 10, 2020

Powerful Value Creator and Lot's of Use Cases

I nearly passed on this because it just seemed too much trouble to implement the change, however I took a little bit more time to think about the value proposition and realised it was too much trouble to not implement, at it's core this tool takes what we already do ( or should be doing if we are too busy!) and does it far better and more easily too.
There are many many benefits apart from the most obvious one of discovering and refining valuable ideas.
For example for large enterprises it can improve cross functional communication and teamwork, we all know Finance don't want to talk to Sales and vice versa, funnily enough they both say the same thing "they don't get it".
For community or innovation driven business this is a great engagement tool that helps a customer centric approach that's essential.
For low to high ticket service based businesses it's a great engagement tool that can start a conversation or identify what clients really want.
What I'd really like to know is when someone contributes an idea they register an email - but where do i access those contact details in order that I can contact the contributor?
Top marks for easy implementation too, the UI is easy and clear, I produced something usable from scratch in 15 minutes, here's an example of using it for business development
