If-So - Plus exclusive Questions

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Showing 1 - 20 of 171 questions

Q: R u coming back ?

khantiodiatokaPLUSApr 23, 2024
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Q: Support (Josef) : Pls.

look into the tickets. I know you have provided good support but basic things are not intuitive, not working logically, or takes a mountain to move to make it work if it works. Geo override seems to be hastily done feature with not much thought given to integrate properly the user set options (like providing URL which you agreed has to be there - not just a good idea but without this override is meaningless, and with workaround - to use another cookie condition - this does not work either and have opened ticket and emailed you.

Once I cross these basic hurdles I think I can provide a fair review.

mvishal71Jul 10, 2023
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Q: Any plans on returning to AppSumo?

Or alternative method of grabbing the LTD. I want to upgrade from Single to Double or even to Multiple. Thanks :)

princeshayPLUSJul 6, 2023
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Q: I find this plugin powerful yet overwhelming even with the documentation.

Having spent some time I think I have it figured out but things could have been more easy if interface was logical. Think apple UI/UX - simple but powerful and flexible.

So 3 features I tried and there was something that worked but something that did not. So there are quirks in the product that are frustrating. I have opened tickets and hope support has the fix or recommendation (maybe I have not set things properly? - as I mentioned, things are not intuitive even with documentation because of use of so many shortcodes everywhere.

Kindly help/advise.

mvishal71Jun 30, 2023
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Q: I did not see any integraton with Custom post types plugins.

I am using two popular recent AppSumo plugins - ACPT and CubeWP - and sadly this does not work.

Any suggestion is welcome. If So looks good but without being able to use with custom posts and fields, it is limited.

Kindly advise / help if I am missing something or if there is a workaround to above problem.


mvishal71Jun 30, 2023
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