
Product details

Q: Just purchased this through AppSumo.

THen I saw you have the App in the Appstore as well. When I look at the cost, it says that it's available for a lifetime deal for $26.99.

What is the difference between the Apple AppStore lifetime deal for $26.99 and this AppSumo deal for $69?

In-App Purchases
Monthly Plan - $9.99
******$26.99 for Lifetime******
Yearly Plan - $16.99

DarekLFeb 7, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Thanks for using our program. The code is for our website, not the mac app included.

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Posted: Feb 22, 2023

I've tried both, the web app and the desktop versions, processed the exact same image and compared them side to side and all I can say is that the output is WAY better from the browser based version. What keeps me from subscribing, even though it's a fantastic tool, are obviously privacy concerns... will my images REALLY get deleted from their servers? I tend to be very cautious with these deals...