Q: Hi, I see a lot of people are more concerned with the "automation" features.

I'm not that concerned with that. I just need to create a few emails and a few lists and send emails to my list every so often.

My concern is the report your platform generates after the emails are sent out. First of all how extensive are the reports? Do we get a list of all undeliverable emails? How about the ones who unsubscribed?

And, once someone unsubscribed, what is going to happen to them? does their name disappear from the list? Do I get a notification so I remove them from all my other communication as well? what if they want to get back on? can we remove them from the unsubscribe list or is it permanent?

Also, I want to know once I get your app and set it up can I use a fresh email account or do I need to have an aged email with a good deliverability score? And if not how many emails per day can I send to keep it clean and don't end up on the recipients' spam folder?

fariba2128Apr 29, 2021
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey fariba2128,

I have addressed your questions and concerns below:

You will receive a comprehensive report containing information on unsubscribers, hard and soft bounces, as well as details about recipients who clicked on the links in your campaign.

When someone unsubscribes, their contact status is automatically updated to "inactive," ensuring they will not receive any further emails. This process eliminates the need for manual removal from your lists. If they decide to re-subscribe, their status will be updated to "active."

Once you create a sender account through your domain on Inbox, you will need to configure a few SPF and DKIM settings. Afterward, you can send your emails using our Sending IPs. This streamlines the process, freeing you from concerns about aged emails.

If you have any further questions or require additional information, feel free to let me know.

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