Q: Hi, I need to use Privacy and Cookie Policy, Cookie Solution, Terms and Conditions and Consent Solution for ...

one website in French and English.

How many licences do I need?

How many more if I add one language?


mic.cohenPLUSApr 27, 2021
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi, thank you for your question! You need 10 licenses for the generation of terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookie policy in 2 languages. It’s 5 licenses for each language. So you’ll need another 5 licenses if you want to add an extra language.
The Consent Solution doesn’t use any licenses, it is included in the Multiple deal for $177.00.

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Apr 29, 2021

Thanks for your feedback.

If I bought a « double » pack in the previous AppSumo deal, can I stack another « Double« » ?

If yes, what will it make for me?


Posted: Apr 30, 2021

Hi Michael! You can stack up 3 codes for an account. If you have already reached this limit, feel free to create a new iubenda account using a different email address :)

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