Q: Kia Ora!

I have a pre-purchase question and with stack 3codes after this been answered please. We are running WP E-commerce sites in New Zealand. Also as an agency, how do the Bronze certificate work for New Zealand businesses to follow NZ's law and regulation. Does Iubenda support NZ versus Australia? Thanks

willykieuApr 29, 2021
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Ciao!
iubenda closely monitors the main international privacy legislations to ensure that our products meet the relevant legal requirements.
Our website explicitly indicates the countries' legislations covered by iubenda, which are:

* EU
* US
* Brazil
* Australia

This means that our products feature dedicated clauses to be compliant with the legislations listed above. These clauses had been drafted and are regularly updated by our legal team.

The documents offered by iubenda are translated into 8 languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. The content of the translated documents, however, reflects the original documents which are written, mainly, following the laws of the above-mentioned countries.

New Zealand is not currently included among the legislations monitored.
Although we do keep track of the latest developments of other legislations worldwide such as the one you are interested in, we are not able to anticipate whether they will be added to the list of legislations available.

That being the case, you will find further information on our website and social media accounts.

As for the Partner Program, we provide all relevant information in this article of our documentation: https://www.iubenda.com/en/partner-program

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