Q: "The deal is not applicable to existing users but we encourage our existing users to reach out to us by writing at info@iubenda.

com and we’ll try to find a suitable solution for them too."

I'm not a user yet because this kind of stuff makes me wonder if you're "cheap" or "short-sighted" or both.

It just makes no sense to potentially upset your loyal subscribers by forcing them to continue to pay a monthly fee when others can get this deal.

At minimum, one of your current users would have to continue paying $108 per year while a new user gets a LTD for less than that?

I just don't understand why some companies on Appsumo do this.

You're willing to upset your loyal customers by charging them more? The people that stuck with you?

Even the cell phone companies don't do this anymore.

And how many of your loyal customers even know about this Appsumo deal? How much money could you really lose?

I went through this with another company I used when they offered an Appsumo deal but wouldn't let me have it after I had already used them for three years and paid over $3000.

I was pissed off! And a few other users were pissed as well.

I'm not a petty person but I was so upset that I canceled and I left them negative reviews all over the place.

Eventually, they said they would "make an exception" to give me the deal if I removed the negative reviews but I wasn't interested by then. They had already disrespected me and pissed me off.

This is just so short-sighted. I'd advise you to revise your deal.

Right now, I'm on the fence because of it.

MrStokedApr 28, 2021
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi, I'm iubenda's founder and CEO.

I appreciate the time you spent in writing this feedback. It was indeed a tough call and we evaluated this for weeks before committing to it.

We've started iubenda 10 years ago and bootstrapped all the way to this point. The honest truth is that it isn't easy, and if we want to keep providing our existing customers with the best product, we must keep growing to keep investing. In order for us to grow, more and more people need to learn about our products, which led us to take a risk and run a deal here on AppSumo. In doing so, we did our best to package the deal in a way that was limited enough to make sure that, as deal purchasers hopefully scale their businesses, they'll slowly switch to our non-discounted pricing and get aligned with long-term customers.

At the same time, I understand that the above is annoying if you've been a customer for a long time, that's why we've been giving discounts to existing customers that reach out to us after learning about this deal, to try and mitigate at our best the situation.

Happy to discuss further if you want. In case you're up for the discount, please don't hesitate to drop us a line at info@iubenda.com : )

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Posted: Apr 30, 2021

I get where you're coming from and I can see that you're working hard. However, why risk pissing your loyal customers off in the first place?

I'm not saying that you should send an email out to all of them making them aware of this deal. I agree that it would be a disaster financially.

What I'm saying is that you should remove the new customers only qualifier because if a loyal customer comes upon this, which isn't at all likely to being with, they'd be happy even if they have paid for years of service.

I've been using Book Like A Boss for about five years now and like two years ago they ran a LTD here on Appsumo and they let me get the deal. Of course, I was happy. More importantly, at no time was I upset that I had been paying every month for three years.

On the other hand, there was another company I was using for the past three years which just ran a LTD deal here on Appsumo and they said that the deal was for new users only.

Of course, I was pissed because, like I said, I had already spent like $2800 for their service. So, reached out to them and they initially responded with, "We're sorry but we can't accommodate you."

Now, of course they CAN accommodate me. They just weren't.

So, at that point, I wrote back to them and said that I wanted the same deal they were giving new customers, customers who hadn't been loyal or I'd just cancel. I won't buy from companies that won't give the same offer to everyone.

And again, how many customers even saw their deal? Not many I bet.

They responded that they could give me a 25% discount. I don't know how much of a discount you're giving, but 25% off $79 is still $60 per month. I think that in the deal they were offering, 10 codes would get DOUBLE I was getting and it costed HALF of what I was paying per year.

So, I canceled, emailed them back about my cancelation, and left negative reviews on Trustpilot and other sites.

Only then did they agree to give me the same deal BUT I turned them down because they had already done the damage.

And then they had the audacity to ask me to remove the reviews!

My point is that you're risking the same problem over a few current customers that might see this offer. There's very little upside but a HUGE downside.

Finally, I don't even understand why Appsumo doesn't get rid of that one requirement to protect their clients from making bad decisions.

Now I truly believe this is a ticking time bomb but keep up the good work with everything else. I know you have a great service.

Posted: Apr 30, 2021


And again thank you for your thoughtful reply.

We had to put that limitation to protect our business going into this deal, as we are not backed with tens of millions of VC capital and we have to run the business carefully in order to protect the people that count on us for the livelihood of themselves and of their family.

That's why we've been asking to each existing customer to reach out so that we could evaluate every situation 1:1, sometimes compensating with a discount, some other times by asking them to create a separate account where to redeem the deal from.

Once again, I encourage you to drop us a line so we can draft a deal for you that is fair and makes you happy : )

Posted: Jan 13, 2022

Why not just create a new account? Will iubenda ban the newer account?