Q: Hey Kashoo I'd contemplating leaving my current system for Kashoo 1) I noticed Kashoo will create a ...
recurring invoice… however, it doesn't automate this (it doesn't send to the client). Is this in the roadmap?
2) Will it crank out my Schedule C to give to my CPA?
3) Future plans to input miles (and Kashoo do the calculation)?

May 14, 2024A: Yes, our system currently does not support automatic billing or invoices. It is not something that is in our immediate roadmap. However, since it is something that is requested quite often, it could be added to our roadmap after what we're currently working on!
We don't support schedule Cs.
Mileage tracking is not something that is on our roadmap currently either. However, I can definitely put another feature request in for this tracker. Again, usually features are implemented based on user demand!

Verified purchaser
+1 for all three of these feature requests
That would be good for Kashoo in the marketplace ;-)