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A headless CMS for your marketing website with built-in CDN, media library, and generated API docs

Building a blog to fit your website's look and feel sounds easy, but it could be time-consuming and require a lot of resources. Looking for a solution?

Say hello to Kernex.


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Quickly build your API with an easy-to-use interface and no devops knowledge required
Streamline content production and distribution with no time-consuming deployments



No back-end or devops knowledge required

Kernex is here to help, to offer you an all-in-one solution for your custom-made blog.

Our headless CMS will allow you to create your blog in no time by offering you everything you need: a platform to publish your articles, a CDN to host your media files, an API to fetch your blog posts, and much more.

Streamline your process with lower development costs and shorter timelines

Our built-in CDN will speed up your website, by delivering the assets faster, closer to where your users are. This aspect is critical to all modern content websites, and you can rest assured that your website won't be affected in a bad way by the media you upload.

The Media Library allows you to easily manage all your assets in a single place, as well as re-use them across all your content. You can upload your media, and search it later.

Get started building in no time

The Typescript/Javascript client gives you an extremely way to use our API, and to get the data you need. We will auto-generate the Typescript models for you, to save you time and resources.

If you are worried about privacy, or security, you can choose to use your own database, and we'll host all the content in it.

Get lifetime access to Kernex today!

From the founders

Kernex Roadmap

Hi everyone,

We just publish our roadmap, you can find it here:

Any suggestions are welcomed, feel free to leave a comment on the page.


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