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Q: Hi guys!

congrats in this product. I needed something to track SERP. I already have one for the SERP but it didnt bring the volume and additional data. By chance in your plans do you have to have some kind of report? or general view to check how the SERP is going for the domain instead of the project? As well are you planing to have some kind of saved results from the keyword search? after putting the keywords in the project you lost the search unless you add it in the SERP tracking (i kind of like to have the results saved somewhere to track what was the volume of the keyword, etc)

I am also kind of confused when submitting the keyword search it ask for the main keyword (thats cool). But it allows you to save the other similar keywords to the project instead of the main keyword itself. Which is weird, i think i may be doing something wrong. Do you know?

felixriosPLUSMay 16, 2024
Founder Team


May 16, 2024

A: Hi Felix, thanks for getting in touch and asking this question.

You can see the in the product descritpion in Appsumo that data that the SERP tracking module displays, right unders the sub header that reads "Get lifetime access to KeywordCaddy today!".

As you can see it displays that SERP for the domain (not the project), as well as search volume (monthly) and changes in positions over time.

Also, about saving the keywords after the search, they are/ can be saved if you add them to a specific project as LSI keywords you want to use in that project. The search volume is not shown though.

What I mention right above also responds to your last quesiton. Those similar keywords are keywords that can/should be used as LSI or supporting keywords in the article , though it should not be abused. The main keyword is always saved for the project by default, hence why it does not appear at the bottom.

Circling back to your first question about saved results for keyword research , are you talking about having some kind of module where you can save keywords you have found for which to crete a new project later in time?

Let me know!

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Posted: May 16, 2024

Hi thanks for the quick feedback! just to clarify i am an user of your app! i like it so far. Just kind of difficult to track keywords already searched for and serp tracking limit to 15 rows by page. Some kind of report may help too :D

Posted: May 20, 2024

Hi Felix, glad to hear you're a user already!

Regarding your observations, we're working behind the scenes on a huge update of the tool, one of the upgrades being having more rows per page in the SERPs. We'll also look into the other features :)