Nothing works. Managed to add a couple keywords, it ran once said nothing found. Came back a few weeks later, and it never ran on schedule. Other tools show proper rankings. stay away.
May 9, 2024Hi Scott, we're sorry it hasn't worked out for you, but at the same time I don't understand some of the things you say. I've shared some videos of how the tool adds keywords, and there was an issue with the SERP tracking module a couple of weeks ago which was fixed in a little over a day. Not sure what you mean by "never ran on schedule"? Also , there has been a huge update in the Google algorythm this past week, which is affecting rankings as much if not more than what the HCU update did at the end of last year. The Google dance is in full force. Finally, you never got in touch with us to request support, which we are more than happy to provide. Perhaps it would be wise to contact the team to see if we can help or if somehting unusual is happening with your account (it did so with a couple of users and we were able to help them out). In any case we hope you find what you'd like.